Parasport in Japan, past and present

"L'exposition retrace l'histoire du sport paralympique au Japon et revient sur l'héritage des Jeux de Tokyo grâce aux photographies des 22 épreuves qui eurent lieu à Tokyo en 2021. Elle présentera également la contribution et les innovations des entreprises japonaises dans le domaine de l'équipement et de la fabrication de matériel de para-sport. Cette exposition reflètera les aspirations de tous les acteurs du para-sport, notamment l'avènement d'une société plus inclusive."
(from the MCJP website)

SHSH proudly presents the exhibition scenography for the Tokyo Paralympics at the prestigious Maison de la Culture du Japon in Paris. Our revitalize design showcases bespoke sports equipment tailored for each athlete and offers a comprehensive look at the organization of the Tokyo Paralympics, which is co-organised by TOYOTA and BRIDGESTONE in collaboration with the Japanese Para Sports Association and the Japanese Paralympic Committee.

With a red centre circle-shaped stage which has two different levels to show objects and groups of produced companies, we have strategically highlighted four key sports equipment. Our sustainable approach is to use all the scenography resources recycled, and the main stage is rental equipment with new finishing to look for the new exhibition opening.

Our first wall exhibits a compelling history of the exhibition, using text panels and video monitors from Metropolitan Tokyo, which feature the Tokyo Olympic colour, particularly blue.
The exhibition also boasts striking graphic designs with paralympic colours in lines, symbolizing the speed of sports and includes captivating photographs of athletes.
As a final touch, the iconic Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Torches stand proudly alongside an illustrative portrayal of metropolitan Tokyo, where visitors can take photographs with real torches. Finally, there is a video presentation from Toyota highlighting collaborative efforts and stories with esteemed athletes.

Despite the challenges of being a non-profit exhibition, our team has delivered a refreshingly symbolised exhibition scenography for the Tokyo Paralympics. This exhibition will be unveiled in real-time during the Paralympics in Paris, ensuring an exhilarating and close experience for all visitors. These exceptional Paralympians continue to inspire us and all who encounter our spectacular exhibition.



Olympic Culturelle
Ville de Paris

Exhibition Design and Graphic Design
SHSH Architecture + Scenography
Shizuka Hariu & Shin Hagiwara

Graphic Design in collaboration with
Maria Iannuzzi

Exhibition Central object set up

Assistants SHSH
Antonio Montichelli
Pirich Carla

Août 2024
SHSH - Paralympic ExhibitionSHSH - Paralympic ExhibitionSHSH - Paralympic ExhibitionSHSH - Paralympic ExhibitionSHSH - Paralympic Exhibition