Air Structure gives an imaginary location to a futuristic Japanese landscape.
Choreographer Yasuyuki Endo envokes the conflicting human desire for happiness both in our personal lives and the future. He portrays this with the use of both rapid movements and very gentle choreography.
The scenography responds to the dance by placing a volume with a limited Air Structure, which reflects the coloured lights as scenes go by.
The production took place during the recent heavy earthquake in Japan.
The entire production team worked through the earthquake confusion and made charitable donations after the performance.
Choreography : Yasuyuki Endo : Star Dancers Ballet Tokyo
Scenography : Shizuka Hariu / SHSH
Lighting designer : Hisashi Adachi
Sound engineer : Takeshi Shima
Composer : Masahiro Hiramoto
Musician : Owada, Gondo, Sekiguchi, Nakamura
Costume : INOYA Chacott Co., Ltd.
Set execution : TOHO STAGE CRAFT CO., LTD.
Premiere: 13.14/03/2011